Mountain View High School
Spanish 1
Instructor information Course information
Teacher: Mr. Scott Saylor Class: Spanish 1
Classroom: 180 Term of course: Full year
Work phone: Ext 7231 Amount of credit: 1 Credit
Email: [email protected]
Course description:
Spanish 1 will introduce the Spanish language and culture. The language portion includes speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Culture includes the study of the 20 Spanish-speaking countries, their capitals, location, holidays, customs, practices, and perspectives.
Attendance is essential in a language class. Proficiency comes with practice, repetition, and review. These critical elements of learning take place in the classroom and cannot be made up or replaced at home. Students cannot miss or skip concepts without paying for it later. Language proficiency is acquired in steps and failure to attend class will lead to gaps in knowledge of the new language.
Grading scale:
A=100-90 B=89-80 C=79-70 D=69-60 F=59 and below
Failing grades:
When students have a failing grade in Spanish it is almost always because of missing work and most of that happens because of missing class. Students that attend class and are diligent in coming in for missing work when they are gone are always successful in Spanish.
Grading system:
Grades will be calculated and determined by the amount of points they earn divided by the total amount of points possible. There are no weighted categories that count more than others.
Extra credit:
Students can earn extra credit on quizzes and each test but extra credit is not offered to improve grades after assignments are done.
Students will have classwork to complete every day for a grade and many times they will need to finish it at home. We will have quizzes every other week, a project every semester, and a test every quarter. Work that is handed in late will be accepted for half credit. Students can retake quizzes and the 2 scores will be averaged together.
Students will have the opportunity to work on a project each semester. These might include a menu (done entirely in Spanish), a poster, a collage, etc. This provides students the opportunity to use some artistic skills and earn some extra credit for exceptional work.
Standards and Benchmarks:
Students will engage in an exchange to perform basic tasks, provide and obtain information for personal use, and express opinions and needs.
Students will analyze the similarities and differences between the products, practices, and perspectives of our two cultures.
Learning objectives:
Students will learn ≥50 common verbs, 2 tenses (present and command), common dialogue questions and answers, basic vocabulary, and fundamental grammar. Students will also learn about Hispanic culture and customs, including some history and geography. Students will be able to carry on simple conversations based in highly predictable, common daily settings. Students will handle basic needs as a tourist by using isolated words and memorized phrases and material to communicate.
Discipline policy:
I try and handle all discipline issues myself, in my own classroom. Rarely do I send a student to the office for someone else to deal with. I might move a student within my room, temporarily ask them to sit in the hall for a while, or make them come in on their own time to make up for wasted class time. When I need to call a parent or involve the counselor or principal, it has become more serious and is likely distracting other students and affecting the learning environment.
Classroom rules and expectations:
1-Be respectful of the teacher, classmates, yourself, and the school.
2-No food, hats, phones, inappropriate language, or discrimination.
3-Participate willingly, work hard, and do your best.
4-Come to class on time with appropriate materials ready to work.
5-No cheating (includes copying/sharing answers, using a computer to translate).