Seniors and the ACT
The State of Wyoming is going to provide senior students an additional opportunity to retake the ACT! With the Hathaway Scholarship continuing to be such an important goal for students, to provide senior students another FREE opportunity to take the ACT is definitely a bonus.
This test will be during the school day here at MVHS on October 15 and for those seniors who choose to test, it will be very similar to what we do in April to ensure a good testing environment. You can’t beat taking the ACT on your home floor!
More information will be coming about this awesome chance for those students who want to achieve the highest level of Hathaway Scholarship when they graduate.
Congratulations to MVHS Students and Staff
MVHS Rated as "Exceeding Expectations" According to Wyoming Department of Education
Each year the Wyoming Department of Education assesses schools on a broad range of indicators to determine if schools Exceed, Meet, Partially Meet, or are Not Meeting Expectations according to the Wyoming Accountability in Education Act (WAEA). For the 2022-2023 school year the WDE rated Mountain View High School as Exceeding Expectations.
The categories for high schools include: growth, equity, achievement, graduation rate, post secondary readiness, and the number of students who are on track to graduate after their ninth-grade year.
According to the WAEA, MVHS is measured as Exceeds Target in Student Achievement, Graduation Rate, and Grade Nine Credits. MVHS has had a graduation rate above 90% the last two years.
Of the six measured categories of the WAEA, MVHS is rated as “Exceeds Targets” on three of those categories.
Of the high schools in Wyoming, only 10 schools - fewer than 15% - are rated as Exceeds Expectations. MVHS is the second largest of those schools to achieve that designation in 2022-2023.
I would like to both thank the staff of MVHS for their hard work and congratulate the students on their efforts across such a broad range of indicators. This is truly a recognition that EVERY student at MVHS is a part of. Great job!
Ben Carr
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