
Woods Syllabus


Instructor:   Mr. Martin

Office Hours:     1P, 1W, and before after school.

Class: Woods I 

Text:   Modern Woodworking

Class Format: This is a basic beginning woodworking class. The first semester you are required to pass the safety test, build a push stick, and build a toolbox and a lathe project. This will be due by Christmas break. Each project you do will need to be sanded and sealed if you want a grade. The first part of this class will consist of lectures, videos, demonstrations, and other activities to help pass the safety test. After that we will spend more time in the shop.

Materials:   You will need to bring a pencil a tape measure, and a pair of safety glasses to class ever day.   If you do not have them, you will not be allowed to work.  You should also bring something to write on. You will also need to pay a $20.00 shop Fee.

Tests: You will need to pass the Safety Test with at least a 90%.  You will also have a semester test. This is worth 150points with each test being worth 75 points.

Quizzes:   There will be ten quizzes given during the semester. This will be worth 100 points.

Wood Identification: There are about 18 pieces of wood that you will memorize and identify. This is an all or none grade. This will be worth 100 points.

Project(s): The projects for this class are a push stick, a toolbox and a lathe project.

Writing:  There will be a writing assignment during the semester that will be graded with the Six-Trait Model. This will be worth 100 points.

Grading System:

A  = 100 - 93%

•A- = 92 - 90%

B+ = 89 - 87%

B  = 86 - 83%

•B- = 82 - 80%

C+ = 79 - 77%

C  = 76 - 73%

•C- = 72 - 70%

D+ = 69 - 67%

D  = 66 - 63%

•D- = 62 - 60%

F = 59% and below

Course Requirements: This semester will be worth 800 points.  The break down of those points will be as follows:

Category Points Possible Grade %

Project(s) 200pts 20%

Safety Test   100pts 10%

Quizzes   100pts 10%

Wood ID   100pts 10%

Six Traits 100pts 10% 

Participation   400pts 40%

Total Points  1000pts

Quiz Schedule (Subject to change)

Quiz #1 Safety

Quiz #2 Procedures

Quiz #3 Plans

Quiz #4 Equipment

Quiz #5 Tools

Quiz #6 Woods

Quiz #7 Joints

Quiz #8 Gluing

Quiz #9 Sanding

Quiz #10   Finishes


•·   The student will know and demonstrate shop safety.

•·   The student will use and follow a working drawing.

•·   The student will apply and demonstrate the proper use of hand tools.

•·   The student will apply and demonstrate the proper use of power tools and machinery.

•·   The student will learn the proper and correct use and application of finishes.